A big "Thank You" to the veterans out there.
I got to leave work a little early (my whole group did), thanks to my boss! Woohoo. So, I went to my sister's house and she and her hubbie and Chase and I went to a local race track to watch some cars do their thing... she had gotten 2 tickets from her boss and Chase was free, so we only had to buy one ticket. That was nice. My nephew loved the place, I think, 'cause he got to just be a kid and make noise and have fun. It was a good time.
My brother came into town this weekend and we got to have dinner with him and My dad and step-mom on Saturday to celebrate our birthdays. We shared a little wine and had a wonderful dinner that my step-mom cooked (she is great and we missed her while she was gone on her own family adventure for the past few weeks). It was a blast!! ;-) My brother is BIG FUN and I miss him being around. We were supposed to get together today (Monday) too, possibly, but didn't... I hope I didn't upset my brother with one flip comment I made about something my dad got him... 'cause I certainly didn't mean anything by it (in case you are reading this, Joe... I'm sorry... I hope I didn't offend you the other night). Otherwise, we had a GREAT time. I hope that my little Bro' runs a marathon with me this fall. That would just be awesome!
So, yesterday, we lazed around the house most of the day because a friend of my BIL's got hurt Saturday night. I won't go into the details, but he was hurt pretty bad and ended up in the hospital. We are all praying for his speedy recovery. We went to My BIL's friend's house last night for a cookout and then Jake (BIL) cooked for us tonight! He is a great cook and made some wonderful stuff tonight. We were SOOOO full!
Oh, and I got my sister to do a 5K race with me today! :D That was very cool, too! Actually, it was hotter than he!!.... We both did alright. She walked it, and I thought did just a great job... and I ran it, and wasn't as happy with my time. But we were both happy to be done! The heat was killer! I bribed her by buying her running socks. hehe. Just kidding. Ok, maybe not. ;-)
I'll post weekend pics tomorrow if I get a chance!!
1026th Friday Blog Roundup
1 day ago