Sunday, November 26, 2006

The after T-day sale - aftermath!

YIKES. Ok, sis and I literally shopped until we dropped. We had a blast! :) It was a little stressful at times, but a lot of fun still. I'd love to go into the whole list now... but suffice to say, I need to completely buckle down on saving again!! LOL I did, however, get all my Christmas shopping finished, I hope, anyway. I always end up buying more right before Christmas... but I'm hoping I won't do that this year. I've got to get the right amount in the bank to get ready for CHINA!!!

I'm wondering about referrals, as most people are in our situation.

I put my very first mechanical reindeer tonight, too. Boy, am I a do-it-yourselfer or what?! LOL hahaha.

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. The day itself wasn't quite what I hoped, but my sis and I made up for it over the weekend, for sure. We had a great time. One I won't forget for a long time (how could I, she convinced me to sit outside on the freezing concrete for 3 HOURS to try to get her a great deal on a laptop... didn't quite work out as expected... but she did end up getting one later. We were SO bad. LOL) We did get some great things and I can't wait to give some of them as presents...and open the rest for myself! :)

One hysterical moment (for us, since we literally didn't sleep for over 42 hours), was when we went to Walgreens and they had this Singing Turkey dressed with a Santa cap and bell... he sings... and moves back and forth. We laughed SO HARD... people must have thought we were out of our minds. LOL. It was great. ...oh, and did I mention I bought it?! hehe. Can't wait to drive my co-worker's nuts! :)


Sunday, November 19, 2006

Christmas bags

Something I made today. Fabric Christmas bags to put gifts in.

Latest puppy pic....I got it today! :)

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Sis and I

Our latest pic together. It turned our pretty darn well, if I do say so!

Yes, we are twins. :) I'm on the right.

Phoebe videos

I'm still not feeling 100%, but I thought I'd post the little videos of Phoebe.

Here she is at 5 days old:

and 27 days old:
(not working yet)

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Sick of being sick

Ok. I've had the flu most of this week already, and I don't feel much better tonight than I did Tuesday! Right now, actually, I feel almost the same - except I think my fever is a little lower. UGH. I'm seriously sick of being sick. At this rate, I don't have much hope I'll feel better tomorrow. Which means, sick and all, I'll probably at least have to work from home, as I've got 2 deadlines to meet. :(

The flu sucks.

Oh, and I read my agency newsletter about the adoption wait... the predicted wait for me is 16-17 months now - with a referral possibly in March. I'm OK with that. But it is getting a bit long. The positive would be I might travel in May, which is a special month for our family. The wait is just starting to get long. Oh, I'm sure being sick (and whiney) doesn't help... so, back to bed I go.


ps. Thanks for all the great comments about the puppy!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Phoebe - 27 days old!!

OMG. How cute is she?!!! ( and... i'm not biased in any way!)

Sunday, November 5, 2006

2 days running

I finally am getting back on track... running, that is. Sheesh. Got two good days in this weekend. It is about time! I think if I do well this week, my stress levels will go back down. Work has gotten me down lately. I have to get over that.

I treated myself to the cutest little 'baby' Jasmine doll last night at Walmart! hehe. I'm such a kid. ;-) (or, perhaps, I'm really feeling the effects of all this waiting for Mia! eek)

Really, though. I am blessed in so many ways. I thank God for each and every one of them.
