Sunday, September 30, 2007

Weekend fun

This weekend the baby and I and Skippy went to Aiyee Mimi's house. Maggi was there already. The kicker was that I had to work, too.... from home (her home). Oh joy. Now, the good stuff first.

Sis and I got to go garage saling for the first time all summer, practically. It was a gorgeous day yesterday, so that was fun. Skippy went with us to Chase's soccer game and then rode around with us for awhile. He's got to get socialized.... so, we took him along. It's going to take some time, but he did pretty well. Little M had a great time this weekend. She got to see Aiyee Mimi and Grandma and Grandpa. The grandparents were supposed to come down today, but I had to keep working and so we stayed at Sis' so I could get some concentrated work done and Sis could hang out with Little M. Confused yet? ;-)

So, I owe my friend Ellen a BIG apology for not going to get coffee... and I am sorry. Work went to hell. I had to make quite a few phone calls yesterday, but that wasn't enough, 'cause I didn't login and write tons of email. So, today, I had to call tons of people to get some development support (that didn't respond until 8pm tonight, booh) and talk to my boss and his boss.... and my team members. We're two days behind in this project and everyone is going ape-shit. So, I was online and working from 11am until just about 10 minutes ago...and technically still am.

And I will still get yelled at tomorrow. 'Cause I didn't get two team members to talk to each other... they are senior (not old) employees, but can't figure out how to CALL EACH OTHER. I'm a glorified babysitter. UGH.

Anyway... that's why I couldn't get coffee. I could barely get home! We did go see the grandparents... who hung out with Baby M while I took my 3rd conference call today. Fun, Fun. But it got done, and they got to see her. Plans changed, but they still got to visit.

The rest of the weekend was wonderful. Sis and I had some great quality time. The dogs seem to like playing together and Little M had a great time. Oh, and it was gorgeous out. Even on the weekends it seems like there is never enough time for everything... including rest!!! My allergies are crazy bad and I am going to try to get some rest tonight.

Now, I've got to figure out how to get to see my two best friends Ellen and Misty. Otherwise, they are likely to forget who I am!!! (and Little M too, of course!)


PS. Little M took her first step(s) yesterday (Saturday 9/29). She took her first step (one) for Sis. Then she took about one and a half steps for me!! WOOHOO. It was a big moment and I forgot to write about it. Still not quite walking yet, but definitely on her way!!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

A comma

Ok... no, I didn't get my allergy shot at the bank!! Poor use of a comma on my part. lol.

I wish I could get the baby or one of the dogs to fetch me slippers and do the laundry!!! ;-) But then I'd get fat and even more lazy, so I guess it is good that they can't!

I'm working tonight... fun, fun, fun. Oh, and I did do some laundry and the dishes. Good for me. I'm just very glad tomorrow is Friday.


Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I'm being lazy. I'm sitting here watching CSI and not doing laundry or dishes. So there. I did go get my new glasses today. I also went to the bank and got my allergy shot. Finally.

What do you do when you don't feel like doing anything? Sit here... or sleep? lol. By the way, Baby M is sleeping.

I even had ice cream tonight. AND a Ho Ho. Yikes. I'm slipping. lol

Perhaps I should at least put the folded, clean laundry away. Oh, and Skippy is sleeping, too. We're a bunch of lazy butts tonight!

I am excited about my new glasses. They are red and black. Mostly red. They look better than they sound! I'm going to wear them tomorrow. Let's see if anyone notices.


Monday, September 24, 2007

Happy Girl

I finally got a pic of the smile I can't resist!!!! Look at those TEETH!!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Skip to my Lou

Skippy is doing better. Sis still has Maggi, but will bring her down here in the next day or two. I've been a home-body this weekend. Well, except going to the grocery and to the pet store. Took Mia and Skippy to the pet store. He was scared, but did ok. I think I need to take him about once a week and other places too, to get him more socialized. He is such a sweet dog. I'm sure he'll like it when Maggi gets back. But it has been really good for him to have a few days of concentrated time with me and Little M. Things I've learned... he likes to be put outside on a lead to do his business at his leisure.

I tried to walk him about 8 times Friday night... and he just wouldn't go! I finally gave up and attached him to the 20' lead outside...and within 5 minutes he'd done his business! Woot.

Little M and I need weekends like this to recuperate from the week. It goes too fast.

Friday, September 21, 2007


Skippy has to go the Vet today. He's got a potty issue that needs addressing. I'm hoping Sis will come down and help me take care of him a little. Last night was pretty stressful, even though it wasn't his fault... 'cause I had to clean up several messes and give him two baths. I had to give him another one this morning.

I'm SO glad it is Friday and can't wait to get all this taken care of.

Did you know you can give a dog Imodium if he has a potty issue? I didn't. Learn something new every day! I just have to make sure it isn't more than just stress, though, which is why he's going to the Vet.

Update: Sis did come down and check on the dogs for me while I was at work. I'll still need to give Skippy some Imodium tonight or something, but Sis couldn't find it in the cabinet. I'm going to wait until next week to take him to the Vet, if he still needs to go. My friend who rescues dogs is bringing me some dog medicine and said she thinks it is just stress. Maggi is with Aiyee Mimi now. She'll have fun. :)


Thursday, September 20, 2007

Maggi and Skippy

You've seen my Maggi Moo. But here is her friend Skippy. He's a 1.5 - 2yr old English Setter. He's pretty and calm, but very frightened of everything. We're trying a trial run to see if he will fit in with our little family... Some days are better than others.

Monday, September 17, 2007


Look whose got Mommy and Maggi wrapped around her little fingers.... (the pic is kind of dark, but she's holding on to both of us!! Way to own it, Little M!!! :)
Come on, Aiyee Mimi!!!! Let's GOOOOO!

Friday, September 14, 2007


Some updated pics, Little M and Maggi.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Maggi Moo

So, if you've read my blog for any length of time, you know I have a Sheltie named Maggi. She's wonderful. She is 10 months old, so she's a baby still, but she's come a long way in the 8 months I've had her. The past 3 nights I've been letting her sleep in the bed with me (normally, she sleeps in her bed/crate). She's been doing really well, except she wakes up and gets bored and starts chewing on my pillows. That's not good. So, I'm going to go get her something to chew on and see if that helps. If not, then I'll have to figure out what to do. I like the fact that she can sleep with me. There was a burglary in the neighborhood last week, and it makes me feel better having her right there next to me. But the chewing pillows has to stop.

Little M likes Maggi, and Maggi does really well with her, for them both being so young. Manna even lets Little M pet her and stuff. She runs away though when the baby starts yelling in excitement! haha.

Mama M (me!!) is doing ok, too. I've been considering getting Maggi a friend, but we'll see. It might be a few months down the road, yet. Work is getting better... but very busy. Pretty much all of my free time is with the baby right now. I'm not complaining... I just hope it helps us in the long run.


Sunday, September 9, 2007

Nice weekend

I'm starting to relax just a little. I know, I'm such the whiner lately!! But, this weekend has been nice, and that's helped. Plus, it seems that I got an actual *compliment* for the work I did this week at work!! WOW. That was a pleasant and happy surprise. :) Please pray that continues.

So, Sis and Chase came down this weekend. I love it when they come down. Sis has been MUCH more willing to come down this year.... perhaps not having to deal with nearly-ex-BIL all the time helps?!! ha. Yes... it does. :)

Plus, I let her go garage-saling in my house. haha. That's free and she needs some clothes. And my closet is obscene. I admit it. I'm blessed. I do go through at least once a year to give stuff away, but I'm more willing to give Sis whatever she needs. She's looking for a job and she's lost a lot of weight and so she needs stuff that fits. That was good for both of us. Oh, and we had a girly girl afternoon. We did face masks and Chase laughed at us! :) We would have probably done more, but my friend came over with the two dogs she wants us (we'll help each other) to foster.

Skippy is gorgeous English Setter. He's been here before, but I couldn't keep him right before we left for China. Then the other pup is a 2 year old (or so) female black lab. She's a little shy, but we call her Ebby (ebony). Sis took them home. She's going to do wonders with them. She's great with dogs.

Little M is napping. She's been having a pretty good week, too. Apparently, my Mommy radar is not quite as good as I thought... part of her crankiness has been because she's got TWO more teeth coming in!!!! You can see one. They are the top two front teeth. Very, very cool. :D

I'm hoping that this week is better, like last week was. I need a few more to get back on track. It is good that my new boss seems cool. Pray, Pray, Pray!


Saturday, September 8, 2007


I am still not sleeping well. Too much on my mind and I wanted to get up and write about it last night, but didn't. Now, I am not sure what all I wanted to say. I'm still thinking a lot about work and about how it has affected my life in the past year. I know I just became a new Mom, too, and so that has affected me some, but I am very happy about that part.

The thing is that I waited for so long for her to get here. I realized last night (not for the first time) that I put my life on hold last year and the beginning of this year because of this. I'm ready to get back to my life, I'm just not sure what that means now. I really miss running the races I used to do, so that is part of it. I need to figure out how I can fit some of that in. I need to figure out how to fit quilting in, too.

So, how do I get back to it? More later.


Thursday, September 6, 2007

Not sleeping well

Go figure, it's me that's not been sleeping well this week. Little M hasn't been sleeping very well at daycare, and I'm not sleeping very well at night. We're a pair!! I'm hoping it'll get better now that work isn't *quite* as stressful as it has been for the past year.

Speaking of which, I realized last night...while lying wide awake...that the impact my old boss had on me was more than just professional. I have lost a lot of confidence, in general, because of all his of awfulness. I am hoping I can get some of my confidence back soon. I feel like I've been beaten down and it's almost like a bad breakup. How pathetic is that? He was just my boss!!!! Ugh.

I'm going to try to get some rest tonight. I really need it. I am anxious to get more pics uploaded soon, too, so please bear with me!


Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Apparently, there is a Survivor China this year. I might just have to watch it. And I don't watch that show normally. I wonder how good it will be this year.

I don't have a whole lot to write about tonight, and should try to get some sleep. Little M was a bit cranky tonight. She went to sleep a little early, too. I didn't sleep well last night. Work stress.

I can't wait until the weekend!!


Tuesday, September 4, 2007

To my friends & family

Lest you think that I've only been non-responsive to your emails / myspace / comments / etc... my Homestudy agency just called *again*! She called me probably 3 times now in the past week, and I kept forgetting to call her, I knew we'd talk awhile! So, it *isn't* just you! hahahaha.

Really, I love my friends and family more than anything, and I do not mean to ignore anyone. I promise. When I get busy... I tend to stay in and conserve energy... or take care of the baby (these days). Please forgive me.

Little M is amazing. I just had to say that, 'cause I hadn't in awhile! Oh, and so are Maggi and Manna! :)

Peace... again.

Mama's Girl

Little M needed some extra Mommy time this weekend. She wasn't eating or napping well at daycare last week and they (and I) were concerned. So, we stayed in quite a bit and had some quality Mama Mia time. I could tell it helped after a couple of days. I can't wait until I have another 3 day weekend to spend with her. I'm going to try to spend every minute I can this week trying to show her that we're ok, even when she's in daycare all day. It is tough, because 8-9-10 hours is a long time for a baby to be away from her Mama! But it is a necessity. So, I'm going to try to get us through this!! :)

The weekend was really good. We played a lot and she really liked it when I put the "Sound of Music" on TV for us to watch. That girl loves music!!! haha. We also picked up her pics from her 11 month sitting. They are great. Sis is going to scan them in and I'll post a couple (maybe this weekend??).

Work is getting a little better. I'm tired, though. It's tough being someone 'only one', but it is still amazing. She's wonderful and I wouldn't change a second of it.
