Friday, July 25, 2008

People still visit

I know I haven't been writing as much this year as I have before... yes, I'm sure it is understandable since I have a baby now... but I do still feel a bit guilty about it. What is cool is that there are some of you who still visit! :)

So, I'll tell you what's been up with me...

It's been a long few months trying to get into a new groove. Lil M is still quite amazing and fun. She laughs a lot. She's grown SO MUCH in the past year! We've got a pretty good schedule down. Even with the dog-dogs! :) Skippy has gained weight in the past year. He looks great. He still has a wonderful personality and I've been so glad he's mine! Maggi is still quite the barker. I've tried practically everything... but I love her still! She's quite lovie and she and Skippy are the best of friends.

Work has been the hardest adjustment, I'd say. I went from having a fantastic manager and job to having a rough time after I got back from China last year. Really rough time. Then I got a new job. I like it. But it's been a big adjustment, too. I'm getting there, though.

Mia and I spend our evenings at home with the dogs. We have dinner and then playtime and/or bath. We almost always have a little bit of Mama Mia cuddle time before she goes to bed. The weekends are filled with family, laundry and trying to decompress. I realize that things have "changed"... that thing that EVERYONE pounded into me before I left for China... and it is a "new" normal. I am trying to allow myself some flexibility in what kinds of things I do and don't do... one of the biggest things I miss is my running.

I haven't been running because my left hip hurts. My Dr. wants me to have an x-ray. The thing that bums me out is that I haven't felt like I could just go out the door and run. Ah, but I can! I have been a few times with my jogging stroller. It is heavy, and I'm not in as good a shape as I normally would be... with this stupid hip issue. So, I just need to get better and get motivated. I feel much better now taking Mia out. There were a few months where I just felt like we should stay in and get stabilized... she's always been very amenable to going places and doing stuff with me, but I didn't want to run her to death.... if that makes sense. I have a tendency to go go go.

I quilted a couple times this summer, and need to get more back into that. I really miss it too. I guess, like I said before, I've been feeling like I've been solely concentrated on Lil M these past few months. That's not bad... but I do need some "me" time, too.

Thank you all who've kept up with us, even though I haven't been as good at writing. I can't believe Lil M turns 2 in August!!! One minute time seems to stand still, and then the next it flies.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

New words

So, Lil M is definitely talking....and walking up stairs... literally! She can walk up the stairs holding onto the wall! It is crazy! Such the big girl!! She's been doing this for about 2 weeks now...

She also said her first little sentence... "More Juice"... as in, more juice please, mommy!! OMG

She told Scott "NO!" and pointed her little finger at him the other day... and today she told him to "SIT" and pointed to the couch! Tooooo funny!!! :)

Oh, she also said "peekaboo".... peeboo! LOL She's learning so much. Have I mentioned she calls stuffed dogs 'puppies' and real dogs 'dog-dogs'??? ;-) She's one smart cookie!

I can't believe she turns 2 next month. Guess I better get the party organized, huh?!!


PS. I had a decent review today. Whew. I 'exceeded expectations' and they 'couldn't have done it without me'!!! :)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I've been fostering a little black (with white markings on chest and feet) puppy this past week. He is a mix of Lab and Pointer... and is as sweet as he could be! I've temporarily named him "Marlon" (as in Brando, baby). Or Marlin... the fish, for my honey. Well, I'm a little distraught. Marlin might be harder to find a home for than I would have ever realized. He's not going to be a large dog, from what we can tell... more like medium size (50lb?) But for some reason, people adopt black dogs the least out of any... and that is just sad. !! He is adorable and has the greatest personality. He's been nice to train, too... and if you know anything about me, that's saying a lot!

If you live in the Ohio tri-state area and are looking for a puppy... he's 99% housetrained, approx 4 months old, and crate-trained. He is a joy! He gets along with my dogs just fantastically... I'd love to keep him, but I've got two dogs already, plus Lil M. 3 dogs is a bit much for me right now... or... lol Seriously. I can't keep him. But I also can't see him somewhere where he isn't fully loved and in a great home. He deserves a good home.

Please email me if you're interested through my myspace

Otherwise, please pray that we find him a home. :)


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Catching up...

So, last weekend we took Lil M and Chase to the amusement park. It was a good day. Then over the week, I had to work alot. Got that done... on Friday, we went to my work picnic, at another amusement park. This one has teeny-tiny rides that babies can do by themselves!! So, Lil M got to ride her first rides by herself! She also played on two different slides! BOY, does she LOVE the slide!!! No fear... a bit scary for Mama!!

Other than that this weekend, we've been home... and I'm trying to get some things cleaned and organized. I printed off a bunch of pic and even framed a few. My wireless isn't working right now, for some reason, so I'm sitting here in my office. Got to fix that.

Laundry, matching socks and decluttering... doesn't that sound like fun?!!!

Here are some more pics. :) A couple are from when I had Lil M and Chase for a couple days, then his bday party with his Mommy, then the park!


Sunday, July 6, 2008

couple more...

Fun times at the good ol' Kings Island!!


couple pics of the weekend...more to come

Are we there yet? ;-)
Twins and Chase with the "B" man... Lil M got cut out...
Scott and Melissa (melissa *hearts* scott) hehe
Mindy (Mommy) and Chase
The girls in Starbucks! :)
Chasey-man with Spongebob and Mia!
Scott, Melissa, the "B" Man, Chase and Lil M!!

Fun times at the Kings Island today. If I didn't mention it enough before, Scott came up and spent time with us this weekend, even during the fireworks. That was a first for us, too, as a couple. :) He's so good to me.

Chase had to go back to his Dad's today, but other than that, we had a great time, this weekend... and the past 2 weeks!!!! He's such a great kid. I wish he didn't have to go through the crap he does... Please be with him, Lord.


Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th of July weekend

Lil M and I went to Sis' house this weekend... and we went to see the fireworks last night. We weren't going to, 'cause the baby goes to bed about 8-8:30 pm every night... the fireworks went on at 10... but I woke the baby up and we went. It was fun. :) Lil M's first fireworks!!

Last year at this time Mia and I were sleeping... lol... trying to get back on schedule. So, I watched the fireworks on TV last year.

So, Lil M watched the fireworks and seemed to enjoy them!

Today, we went to see our first movie at a movie theatre together... we went with Sis, the other kids and Brian to see "Hancock" with Will Smith. It was very good. Mia LOVED popcorn!!! OMG. Aiyee Mimi is a bad influence. Lil M had a ton of popcorn. LOL. She did well at the movie.

Anyway, Happy 4th of July weekend.
