Friday, October 31, 2008

Oct 31 Happy Halloween

Tonight we went trick-or-treating (yes, again), with our friends Martha-Kelly and Mary-Kelly...

It was a blast! ;-) It happened to also be the anniversary of my login date to China in 2005. What a way to celebrate my very first anniversary of my daughter and me!!

OH, and Mia said "Thank You" tonight for the very first time!! Very cool!

Cinderella and the Itsy-Bitsy Spider:

Lil M had to give Mary-Kelly her candy, 'cause there was too much in the punkin' for her to carry!!!

The twirling Cinderella (action shot)!!!!


Here are some family pics from Halloween!!
Mia was an itsy-bitsy Spider and Chase was a Ghoul!!! :)


Happy Halloween!!!!


Happy Halloween to everyone! Be safe out there....


No man is perfect, but...

Even when we have a disagreement, Scott is one of the best men I've ever met. Boy, was I crabby-emotional last night. Big fun for the trick-or-treating... oh well. Stuff happens. It's been a tough week, what can I say.

The truth of the matter is, life is good and it has gotten markedly better than the past few months. So, if I have a crabby day once in awhile, I"ll take that over being depressed every day going into a place I hate.

OK... onto happier things...

Mia was a spider for trick-or-treat night at Grandma and Grandpa's. She was adorable, of course, as was my nephew who was a Ghoul! I have pics... I'll get them uploaded soon!! My brother was even there, and that was a first. We all took the kids out... Scott's first time... and Mia seemed to enjoy herself. She loves our family, and I could really tell last night. She gave everyone kisses before we left! It was too cute.

Happy Halloween everyone...


Friday, October 24, 2008

No job is perfect, but...

I started a new job this week. People who know me well know why. The funny thing is that I am just too tickled for words over this opportunity. Not the 'future' opportunity of it or anything, but the 'now' advantages...

a) my current boss couldn't possibly be, nor is, the super-bitch that my previous boss was... she's actually pleasant! So is my boss' boss! He's a riot. I don't (yet, and hope to never have to) have to go into work dreading each and every minute of being there every day... Thank you God.

b) i'm so damn close to home it is obscene!!! and i love it. I essentially get about 1.5 hours back a day to spend with Lil M right now!!! WOW.

I get to learn a new testing tool... good for the resume, otherwise, the tool pretty well sucks. oh well. This just means I have to convince them to change to the other one, or deal with it. I can deal with it for now. :)

If I play my cards right, I can make change at this place.... AND get to do work for the 'greater good'... well, a non-profit that helps Veterans.

The downside is a) it is a contract position, not huge posibility for perm and b) it's a bit slower on the draw than the bigger companies i've worked for. But, hey, no job is perfect, right???

Anyway, now it is time for me to start to decompress... start to let go of the crap... FIDO (forget it, drive on)... boy, is it hard. I am TRYING. I really am. But it's almost a constant thought of stress from something or another. I'm getting through it, and Lil M is still the brightest sun in my life. She is such a joy. God, I hope she always has that happiness.

Daycare has been wonderful with me the past few weeks, giving me some leeway bringing Lil M in part-time and all. I thank them for that and know that the good gesture will bring them good as well.


Sunday, October 19, 2008

2nd Bengals Game

Today, we went to Lil M's second Bengals game! It was BIG fun... (yes, we lost... to the *yuck* steelers, no less)... but here are some pics!!!

Oh, and a GREAT one of Lil M in her Halloween PJs!

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Have you ever felt like you were weighed down by worry? Fretting over everything? I know I used to worry before having Lil M, but seriously, since becoming a Mom, I've worried more in the past year + than ever in my life. It is disgusting. Believe me when I say that I believe there is something more out there than just me. You could even call me one of those Bible-thumping-Jesus-freaks... in some peoples' minds anyway. Or not. I'm not exactly Bible thumping these days... but I'm really one of those believers.

So, why is trust coming so hard these days? My friend Joe told me to just "trust". And he's dead right. It's not just a pat answer. The thing about him being right is that I feel like I'm drowning. This past year has been SO hard in so many ways. None of which have to do with Mia. It's all work stuff. I've never had such a hard time in my whole life with that. One minute things seem to be going Ok and then the next all hell breaks loose.

Deep breath, Melissa, deep breath.

And the thing is, that God has always been there for me. As my other friend tells me, I also do my part... and I do try. But, boy has God been there for me. You know what this reminds me of? When I first became a Christian 16 years ago. OMG, that makes me feel old! Yikes. But it is true. I went through a lot that year...and I came out the other side. This time it is more than just me, you know? It is Mia too. And that might be why my heart feels like it is going to come out of my chest every time something else happens.

No, you don't need to commit me yet. This is why I haven't been writing on my other blog or here with some of this... because I figure people will think I'm crazy... I do not like being such a worrier. It has gotten out of hand this past year or more.

To you Lord, I commit my spirit. I put my trust in you.


Monday, October 13, 2008

Family visit

Here are a couple pics from a recent family visit -10/08... Elle and Mia, Mia and then Chase and I

Here are a couple pics from a recent family visit... Chase and I, Elle and Mia (of course! L


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Freaked out

So, my little Maggi Moo usually goes outside and barks at the world... I even got a doormat that says This House Protected by Sheltie Alarm System. HA. God, does she bark.

Well... tonight, I thought Maggi was barking at nothing again... or nothing important, anyway (she barks at cars, and the dogs next door especially)... and I went out to get her and Skippy to bring them in. When I looked up, however, there was a large, creepy guy walking in my neighbor's side yard... tall guy, large belly. When he saw that I saw him, he stopped moving and just stood there. I went inside and called the police. When they came, there was no one there... of course. But now, I'm totally freaked out. I guess it could have been my neighbor... but I don't know that. The police said they'd canvas the neighborhood for a couple of days... but ... i'm still nervous. God I hope it was nothing.

Who would have thought I'd find protection in a 19lb tri-colored sheltie dog?


Tuesday, October 7, 2008


so, I have this opportunity to take a short-term contract (to hire) position at the DAV, which is the Disabled American Veterans Headquarters here in KY. Kind of neat, actually. A job that might make me feel like I can make a difference even in the type of work I do... testing software. I'm getting excited about this adventure, and am hoping that if I like it and they like me, that maybe at the 3months they'll hire me on permanently. Wow, to help our men and women who have fought the good fight and come back to tell about it... they need our support. I'm honored to give them that.


PS. I'm looking into my future as an adoptive parent and what might be available to me... I've started seeking out information about Bulgaria, so far. Prayers welcome...

Friday, October 3, 2008

Some Happy, Some Sad

We went to court yesterday for Sis' divorce hearing. Well... bad news... Jake's attorney had a death in the family and they have to postpone the divorce AGAIN. Good Lord. The good news is, though, that the Judge said that she wasn't going to penalize Sis for Jake's Attorney's stuff... SO.... she gets shared parenting from yesterday on!!! That means she will have Chase for full weeks, every other week, starting this Sunday!!! WOOOOHOOOO!

It isn't the divorce. And it isn't full custody (yet), but it was a huge win for her (us). I am so happy for her and doing the happy dance still. It is just great that she will get to see him so much more. (breathing a sigh of relief here)

Had a nice talk with someone about a job today. Not counting my chickens... but definitely praying.
