Ok. So, My dossier is in China and waiting to be processed for my Referral. Now, what do I do?
Well, for starters... I've sat down and looked at my finances. Ugh. What a daunting task! I've got to come up with a LOT of money between now and June or so. I've been a slacker in this regard. Now it is coming back to bite me in the arse. Oh well, I've just got to completely buckle down and get it in order. Adoption isn't cheap kiddies.
I've still have:
Post Placement Deposit (refundable) $500 - Check/Credit Card
Visa to enter China $80 per person – Credit Card
US Domestic & International Airfare $900 - $1,600 by coach/per adult plus $100 - $150 return lap ticket for child under 2 – Credit Card
In-China Travel & Accommodations - Approximately $1,700 for two adults – Personal Check
Adoption Registration and Notarization $400 - $800 – Cash
Child’s Passport $100-$150 – Cash
Orphanage Fee $3,000 – Cash
Food $600 - $800 per couple - Cash/ Travel Check/Credit Card
Child Physical & Photo $70– Cash
Child U.S. Entry Visa $380– Cash
Post-Placement Support Varies by home study agencies
Court Validation Fee Varies by state
Child Birth Certificate Varies by state
Approximate total of this part is: $10, 680.00
So, the total is approximately going to be $18,000-19,000.00 by the time the adoption is complete.
This does not include extra spending money in China or extra houspayments put aside for time off work. Although, I've got to still figure out how much time I can manage to have off work.
I get 3 weeks of vacation a year. I also get a little sick time. Plus FMLA, but I'm not sure how much this is or if I get paid at all if I take FMLA. There will be 2 weeks in China. So, that leaves me with one week of vacation left. I will likely have to take that before FMLA kicks in. I would love to stay home for at least 2 weeks after she comes. But who knows. I know I could take more, but I just don't think I can afford it. We'll see.
3 hours ago
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