Let's see, what shall I write about today? Well, I watched American Idol tonight. Yes. I'm an Idol fan. I really liked Taylor and Katherine tonight. Very nice. Kelly can go home at any time, though. If she wasn't such a ditz, I would probably like her. Oh well. I thought Elliot did alright, too. Not a big Ace fan. He bored me tonight. Such the critic I am, huh? lol.
Ok, more personal stuff, I guess... I ran my 14th marathon a week and a half ago in St. Louis, Missouri. It was nice. Nice town. Good race. Got to hang out with my friends and we had a blast. My friend Joe's birthday was the day before the marathon. He was running the half marathon with me. His wife Kat ran the 5K on his actual birthday. We had a great dinner at this little Italian restaurant downtown. Shoot, I can't remember the name.
The course on race day was pretty nice, too. It was rolling hills, but none that were too huge. I got hot early on and had to take not only my jacket off, but my long sleeve shirt, too! I had to re-pin my number on my short-sleeve shirt. Oops. At one point a radio station guy was announcing people during the race and he said... "And here comes Melissa (my name was on my bib), who's wearing half her wardrobe around her waist!" haha. I laughed. We also ran down one street that was 'thrift shop row' (that we drove down the day before). It was probably mile 18 or 20 and I looked up and saw Goodwill Industries, which is where my Dad works (helping people get jobs). I had a corny, happy moment thinking of my dad and my sister ('cause she loves to thrift shop). :)
On the adoption front.... the rumor is that the wait could be 10-14 months right now. Not sure how that will affect me, yet. I am still hoping to travel after October. But, of course, I'm getting anxious like others are...
3 hours ago
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