So, I went to my grandmother's Bible today and found some interesting stuff. First, I was wrong about her middle name being Maria. It was Margretta (meaning "Pearl"). Elizabeth means "dedicated to God", which is lovely, too. I did find, however, that her sister's name was Helen (which I did remember) and that has the same meaning as Ellen (my middle name), Elaine (sis' middle name) and the Baby's middle name of Elaina, all meaning "Light". So, she will be connected to her Aunt Mimi and her great, great Aunt Helen, and her mommy, of course!
On the name of Mia == Maria == Mary... (besides my other grandmother Marie), apparently, my Great, Great Grandmother's name was Mary Susan. So, it fits, afterall. Not that I was ready to give up on what I decided this weekend, but I just wanted to see what our family history had to say, too. And figure out if there was a reason I was drawn to it.
Especially, since I'm trying to keep my mind off how Rachel is feeling right now. :( I'm so sad for her.....
3 hours ago
I'm so sorry about your Kitty. I went through this last November with my furbaby, so I know what you are going through. Both of you will be in my prayers. Be Strong. Your friend needs you.