A Mama's love born in China... she and I became a family there. We are family because of love. I'm a proud Adoptive Mom to one of the world's sweetest souls.
Ok, how cute is she?! The breeder says she is 1lb 10oz right now. She *might* be 5-6 lbs when she is full grown! She gets here on THURSDAY!!!! OMG. I'm so excited! I've got to go get some unflavored Pedialite so she doesn't get dehydrated or hypoglycemic. She's so tiny, I wish I could just take her to work with me each day!!!
Ultimately I want generations after me to know this about the culture of blood and the culture of adoption: That blood is thicker than water, but love can be thicker than blood.
Wow...THURSDAY?...that's like...TOMORROW!!!!