I was tagged by PromiseKeepersDaughter! I'm tagging Sis and Joe.
A - Available or Taken: Available
B - Best Friend: Sis, Misty, Ellen
C - Cake or Pie: Pie, for sure!
D - Drink of Choice: Decaf coffee, water.
E - Essential Item You Use Everyday: Face Lotion, Heating Pad (really, almost every day).
F - Favorite Color: Red
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Bears.
H - Hometown: Dayton, OH
I - Indulgence: Starbucks and chocolate
J- January or February: January - it's a new year!
K - Kids and Names: none yet, but soon to be Mia ElainaMae
L - Life Incomplete Without: My Sister and nephew
M - Marriage Date: N/A
N - Number of Siblings: Two, Mirror Twin sister and half-brother.
O - Oranges or Apples: Apples
P - Phobias or Fears: cockroaches, not being able to provide for my daughter.
Q - Favorite Quote: Sorrow looks back, Worry Looks around, Faith looks up.
R - Reason(s) to Smile: Life, my new puppy, God is good to me
S - Season: Fall
T - Tag 4 People: Sis, Joe, and anyone else who hasn't been tagged.
U - Unknown Fact About Me: Due to my small feet, I used to model shoes, back in the day.
V - Veggie You Don't Like: Egglplant
W - Worst Habit: shopping, frowning when i'm upset (who wants wrinkles?!)
X - X-rays: Teeth, foot, wrist, head
Y - Your Favorite Food: corn on the cob, ice cream
Z - Zodiac: Taurus/Gemini
3 hours ago
Love that quote.