Wow, we got 6+ inches of snow here yesterday (i think it was probably 8 at my house)! We left work at almost 3:30 and my two co-worker friends started sliding down the hill outside where we work. So, I *rescued* them. haha. I took her car down the road to the gas station and then walked up the hill to get them (in my car... one was with me and one stayed in the car). It took us over 2 hours (almost 2.5) to get to my house... which is 10 minutes away on a good day! Yikes. It was crazy.
So, because the roads were so bad, they stayed at my house last night. It was fun. Maggi loved my friend Padma. They played and played! Latha, on the other hand, was terribly afraid of Maggi. At one point Maggi was running around the family room and scared the dickens out of Latha! I was rolling on the floor! Not that I am not sympathetic to her fear, but Maggi was just so funny, and trying to get her to play. We had frozen pizza and some boxed Indian food. Doesn't that sound good?! haha. Actually, it was pretty good.
Today, an angel cleared off my driveway!!! OMG. I was so SURPRISED. I got home expecting to have to trudge up my driveway with my groceries, and it was so clean! I could get in my garage. Wow, what a treat. And I have no idea who did it. I think it was my neighbor's son. I'll have to ask her when I get a chance.
I have to give a presentation tomorrow morning. I'm not looking forward to it. One of the jerky guys is going to be there. Oh joy. I pray I get through it unscathed. It seems like I'm always doing something wrong or not enough in this role. It is quite frustrating. (and I think I do a pretty darn good job, most days. oh well. try, try again, i must.)
There is a rumor that there might *potentially* be another referral batch before the Chinese New Year (this month). I'm not holding my breath. But, boy, wouldn't that be something.
3 hours ago
I have surgery for carpal Tunnel. Don't ask how I got it... lol