Monday and Tuesday were whirlwind days, for sure. Yesterday, Sis, Sugar Plum and I went shopping, but didn't take the camera. Oopsie. Another oopsie was when we went to lunch and when I took M to the girl's room, I fell going up a 'trick' stair... I was looking up to see where the ladies' room was, and that step came out of nowhere! OMG. I about freaked. We both fell, but M was just startled... i broke her fall. And, boy did I break it. My elbow hurts like heck and both of my knees. But she is just as perfect as she was. I was told this happens and not to feel too bad... boy, did I feel like a loser mommy yesterday!!!
Today, we were supposed to go to a temple and a pagoda, but they wanted to go at 9am! Uh... no way. We stayed and Sis got to call Chase and her friend. Thank God we got her back up and running on SBCglobal. She can call the states WAY cheaper!!! We went downstairs at about 9:45 and had breakfast. There are 4 or 5 ladies here at the hotel who have just been So sweet to me and little M (and Aiyee Mimi, of course!!) They helped us find some new things to try for breakfast (egg bread, papaya bread and some pork bread - Sis had the pork bread). They were pretty good. We also had a new kind of fruit, zebra fruit? White with seeds... sort of reminded us both of Kiwi.
Sugar Plum loves congee. She ate and ate this morning (congee, bread, apples baby food, banana, etc). She was TOO cute with that little bird-lip thing going on when she wanted a bite. I didn't take a pic, 'cause again, I didn't have the camera downstairs this morning. I'll try to do better. I did take one of her this afternoon after I laid her down for her nap.
We played Pat-a-cake today, she seemed to know the word "bite" when Auntie Mimi asked her if she wanted one...then she'd do that little bird thing with her mouth open waiting for Mimi to put the food in. HAHAHA, too funny. :D I also walked M around the room holding her fingers... she did even better today than she did the other day. She doesn't crawl much, but she does like to sit up and roll over (no, I'm not talking about Maggi!! lol) We even got some giggles and smiles out of her today. That was especially nice.
Wow, I"m almost awake and coherent today. LOL. I've got so much to write... but I hate to write it all here in one shot. I guess I should just write what I want, while I can! ;-)
Right now, Auntie Mimi (Ayiee) and little M are napping. I might have to watch the videos we made and try to answer some emails. I really, really appreciate all your notes and emails. I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to respond, yet, but I will.