Or even better... a week and a day and a half, til we leave for China!!!! Right now, things are hanging in there for Sis to go. I am just holding my breath, but things are looking up.
I sent Mia's Orphanage a care package today... $36 to 'guarantee' it'll be there by June 15! YIKES. I don't even know if they'll get pics or not. :( I am really hoping they get the package a by Wednesday and take a few pics, anyway. If not, I guess it was worth a try.
I can't believe that in one week (and 1.5 days), I'll be flying to Hong Kong. Amazing. And in 2 weeks from today, she should be with me!!! OMG. They said we will likely get the babies on June 18, but sometimes I've heard of people getting them the day they arrive in their Province. So, let's see.
My boss said I should *not* take my laptop. That it will be a pain to carry and keep secure. But I really want to have it for posting (if possible), games, movies...and most importantly, to post my pics to my laptop to have there, too. So, let's see.
Work sent out an email announcing the adoption today. It is cute! And I liked how they worded it. I'm going to put a copy in her baby book, probably.
3 hours ago
No offense to your boss, but when was the last time he adopted from CHINA?!! Girl, if you don't post while you're over there, I'll go into withdrawal!!!!!!!