Yesterday, Little M's temp spiked up to 103.0 degrees. OMG OMG. On the positive note, Sis and Chase came down... they surprised me. BOY, was I happy to see them (ok, they know I was a bit crabby, but I *really* was happy to see them!!). Sis helped me with Little M and we got her fever down. She was pretty surprised (not happily) when she heard that the Ped gave Little M a Flu shot on top of her immunizations. I think that's what's made her temperature go sooooo high. :( So, her temp has been hovinger at 99-100 today. Please pray it goes down and that yesterday was the worst of it. I took half a day off Friday, but didn't want to! I'm trying to be able to go tomorrow. So, let's see.
Someone asked if I can remember a time when she wasn't here.. well, yes, but she's so amazing and I'm So glad she's here now. It does feel like she's been here longer than 4 months, though. That's for sure!!!!!
Repeat: A Place Where Everybody Knows Your Name
16 hours ago
She is soooo cute! Hope her temp. comes down so you can return to work on Monday.
ooops...meant to add...Eliza always runs a temp for a good 36 hours and then poof it's gone!