I didn't go to work today, 'cause I am still sick. Ugh. But I did take Lil M to daycare for the first time in a week and a half! She seemed to do ok with it... she was there for 5-6 hours. She got home, had dinner, had her bottle... I put her in bed. She cried. :( And normally, when this happens, she doesn't cry but for 2 minutes or less and she's fine. So, I let her be for a few minutes. She seemed to fall asleep. Ok then. Or not.
About 45 minutes later, she woke up fully and would NOT go back to sleep. I tried to get her to sleep by holding her in her room. She dozed off, and then woke right up when I put her in her crib. Oh no. So, I tried telling her it was sleeping time and to lay down and sleep. She went ape-sh*t. She stood up and cried and wailed. Then she made herself so upset she threw up. Oh no.
So, when I went in the 3rd time (all in about 10 minutes), I changed her clothes and brought her downstairs and held her. We normally have 20-30 minutes of Mama hugs/holding most every day. Not every single day, but most of the time... So, apparently, she needed to fall asleep with me tonight. At 10:30pm. Holy mackerel. I hope she does better tomorrow and this doesn't mess her up too much.
They are also moving her to the next room up at daycare. Which means, another change. And I know she's been happy having Mama home for quite a few days. Next week is going to suck.
Anyway, I am also glad I have had the extra time with her. I knew going back to daycare was going to be a bit tough for a few days. Which is why I wanted to take her back part-time this week. I'm hoping she will do better next week, but I have my doubts, obviously. Have a good night.
3 hours ago
What a little sweetie!! Yea - those waking nights were not so much fun! My EFP would conk out on one of us if we put her on us and laid down on the couch. She needed that - especially when she was teething at about that age...
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year!!! She is just adorable! You were probably DTC about the time we got our referral... can't even imagine 2 years have gone by!!!
Missy - Mom to EFP
Schedules are good, and holidays always throw us off schedule!!!
ReplyDeleteKate goes through stages of going to bed easily, and then,,,, well not.
Teething can be a culprit, but when she is in a growth spurt she sleeps like a champ!!
I now let her have books in bed to look at while she settles down. That sometimes helps.
hey whatcha doing next weekend?