So, Lil M turned 18 months old yesterday!!!!!! WOOOOHOOOO!! She is just so wonderful. I don't deserve her.
Today, is our 10 month anniversary of being Home! 10 month family day was the 19th. :D So, we've been together for 10.5 months now and it is great. One month longer than she had to stay in that orphanage.
I am very happy about all that!!
Then there is real life stuff, for which I'm not quite so happy. I mean, overall, things are good. They are. Sis got a job. I like my new job, so far, too. But changing jobs is hard. Stressful. I got a speeding ticket this morning! UGH. And then there's old job "stuff" that is stressing me out. But it will pass... I hope.
Right now, I'm praying for a couple of things (ok, more than a couple)... 1) Mindy gets Chase more and gets what is rightfully hers through this stupid, awful divorce, 2) that I will get closure with this old job stuff and 3) that Scott's dad gets well. Apparently, his father is in the ICU after falling and breaking his other hip and isn't doing well. So, please pray for them. It isn't looking good.
Love and peace to all.
PS. Mia's pics come back tomorrow (18 month pics) and early next week (daycare pics)!!
I can't wait!
3 hours ago
Hope little Mia anjoys her 18th month b-day!
ReplyDeleteHappy 18 months! And happy 10 months too!
ReplyDeleteHope all your real life stuff gets more happy.