Lil M and I are spending our first Easter weekend together!! WOOHOO! Her hair is getting long enough for me to put in two pigtails easier... and it is too cute. :) I'll definitely take pics this weekend of her in her dress(es)! :D
New job is nice. Things have been going pretty well. I have been dating someone for a little while now, and he is going with us this weekend. I think he had second thoughts when I said I wanted to go to TWO Easter services!!! ROFL. But he is very accommodating. :) I am hoping we can all do an Easter egg hunt... and, of course, the Easter bunny is coming for the kids. :)
HAPPY, HAPPY Easter to all of you!!!! I hope you have a very blessed day.
1026th Friday Blog Roundup
1 day ago
That's all your going to are dating someone? No more details? Surely you jest! We single girls love to hear about possible relationships and I think especially as adoptive single parents we are even more interested in hearing how others do it. Keep us updated!