I'm thankful I have a hair appt tonight! :)
I'm also thankful that my original adoption agency (in my state) has said that I would just need to do an updated homestudy...not from scratch. woot!!
Still haven't officially picked a Kaz agency. Working on it, though. Some say it could take 2-3 years to finalize an adoption from there. I'm OK with that. Reason(s) being a) I don't have the funds right now (will i ever?!! lol), but would like to get started sooner rather than later, and b) any adoption i pursue right now would likely take that long... or i would have to adopt an older child...and I definitely want to adopt a child younger than Lil M, if possible.
So, there. It's Thankful Thursday for me.
3 hours ago
All good things to be thankful for!! Pray this all goes smoothly and you realize the dream of #2!!