I remembered the other day a useful thing I used to do with Flax seed... so, I thought I'd post it here for Works for me Wednesday!! Please go check out the other useful posts. :)
Flax seed... I like to grind it up with a coffee grinder and keep it in the fridge. Then, when I'm making spaghetti sauce or other recipes, I pull some out and put it in the sauce.
Yes, I hide the good stuff in the sauce. :) It adds a bit of a nutty flavor, fiber and Omega-3 and other good stuff to your food, and it is barely noticeable. I haven't done this in awhile, but I'm going to go back to it. I think it would mix in well with other things, like meatloaf (I make mine with ground turkey), goulash, lasagna, etc.
It may not work for everyone, but it does work for me! :)
3 hours ago
I need to get my hands on a coffee grinder! I can get pre-ground flax, but I understand it's a lot better if you can grind it yourself. Thanks for the sauce idea, I think I need to try that out!