Monday, August 31, 2009

This is how 3 year olds party!!

We had a great time Saturday with friends and family. Lil M was adorable in her new dress and shoes. And all the kiddos seemed to have a blast. :) Her friends MK2, Becky and Kate were there. As was Chase. They got to color if they wanted to when they got there, then hang out a bit and have snacks.

Then we opened presents (thank you everyone SO much for all the fun, great things!! wow!)... and they played some more.

And more presents!! :)
Then we had cake! :) And all was well!! ...yum. The cake turned out perfect. Thank you, Scott for picking it up for us, and for being there. I know we didn't get a pic of Scott, but he was there (hiding in the background, lol) and he and Lil M are going to have BIG fun playing with the new tent he got her!!!

Cute pic of the girls!! Do you know how hard it is to get 4 kids of their age to stand still for 2 seconds?!! (they range in age from 2.5 to 4 years old)

And off they go again!!! :)

We took an inordinate amount of pics... but I just wanted to share a few. It really was a great day. :D


Tigger Movie and Family

I got Lil M the Tigger Movie for her birthday (as part of her presents). The premise of the movie is that Tigger is distraught and wants to find his "real" tigger family. He waits for them. He pines for them. Then his friends write him a letter and Tigger automatically assumes it is from his "real" family... so he sets up a party and when his friends try to make him feel better by dressing up as tiggers... he has fun until he finds out that they aren't really tiggers at all... and not his REAL family... so he searches and searches... until his friends find him in the snow storm and try to get him to come home. Climax is that he saves his friends and eventually comes to the realization that they were his true family after all.

Can you say tear your heart out? Over an hour of rip your guts out... you're not my real family... and then 2 minutes of resolution that his friends of the forest really are his real family...

Really. It is a great movie. It did, however, make me quite uncomfortable for most of the movie. And, that is likely due to the fact that that is what we are told as adoptive families... we aren't the real family. We're a substitute. We're not as good as... and that is not the message convey to my daughter. Don't get me wrong. She's going to hear it. And, I have no idea how she will react... and, thank God, this movie did have a good resolution. Just because we don't necessarily look like the people we call family, doesn't mean we aren't just as good as the rest of them. And it doesn't mean we aren't a true, real, bonafide family. We ARE. :)

So, part of the reason I bring this up is because it is how I feel about "our" family. The people who have been our true family are some of the ones that aren't even biologically related to us. That goes for me... some of the people who care about me most are friends I've made along the way in this life. And for that and for them... I am SO thankful. I can always count on them to be there. And, you know... that's what's most important in the end.

Who did you love and who loved you? And, did you participate?

Now, I am by no means perfect. I've let my friends down more than I have ever thought or wanted to. I think Tigger knew all along, as I have known all along, that the people who surround you with love are the keepers... and we've just got to move forward and keep those relationships going.

I hope Lil M learns that too. :) Actually, I believe she will.

We had a GREAT birthday party this weekend for Lil M. I will post about that and about her last swim lessons next. :)


Friday, August 28, 2009

Gotta have a cake!

I went to order a cake for Lil M's and ordered the Madagascar cake that looks like the one below... well, thank goodness I called to double-check to make sure they found one... because apparently they didn't! And, for that matter, hadn't even looked for it. YIKES.

So, we're going with good old Dora. whew.

It's a new day


Lil M woke up feeling a little better, but we're staying in this morning to be sure. Of course, now my tummy is upset... but I hope we're both fine and the party tomorrow is great!

I know I was cranky yesterday... It bummed me out that she was sick on her birthday. And I know, I know... she won't remember that. But it was just and in-the-moment kind of feeling.

I'm sending up some special prayers for my fellow adoptive Mama "K"... for her daughter... who has a hole in her heart and needs surgery. :( I can't even imagine what their family is going through right now.


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Happy? Birthday and Dr. Toad

If your pediatrician has the personality or bedside manner of a TOAD, it is probably time to leave said doctor.

Lil M's (not any more) Dr. Otrembiak is about a nice as a piece of cardboard. He was rude and didn't even look at Lil M's chart to see how old she was. OMG. Wha? Huh? I'm thinking with toddlers, the first thing you do is check their AGE? But, who am I?

He also said her name wrong!! She doesn't have a hard name, nor is it an unusual spelling. Oh, and doesn't look at me or her when he's talking...? (oh, and shouldn't someone with a ridiculously hard name to say - for kids - be considerate if they don't know how to say someone's name?)

Who does that?

Aren't pediatricians are supposed to be nice to kiddos? ...especially when they are sick?? Frankly, I didn't care for him before, and I hated him today. While we were waiting for Lil M's flu test results, he and his lackeys were in the back talking about us parents and how we over react. Really?

".... No one has had the flu", they said to each other. Some parents even over react for a runny nose!! You know us parents. We're worthless.

"... But everyone wants to be tested for the flu". Really? Hm. I wonder why? The H1N1 virus maybe???

Then he went an played Dr. to an older kid who was probably 12 or so. I know, because they were loud and laughing and having a good old time. But my daughter? Nada.

Anyway, apparently she probably just has a stomach virus. Probably, because Dr. Toad didn't even tell me that until I ASKED. ??? And that was his word "probably".

Poor baby... on her birthday (that he didn't even look at or acknowledge when I repeated it to him twice... clearly he could care less about kids... but he's pediatrician?!!)

So, I asked for her chart to be moved to my family Doctor. ... Dr. Nice. (that's not her name, but she is nice). I've gone to her for years, and will move Lil M there until I find a suitable Pediatrician.

Dr. O's office people were horrified that I wanted to move her. They looked at me dumbfounded. Uh, you want to move her? YES. Yes, I do.

Happy, Happy birthday Lil M!!!! Mommy can't believe you are 3 already!

And trust me, Mommy will find you a better Dr. than Mr. Toad was. Oh, and Mommy's done venting now. :)


PS. We're postponing dinner tonight, but I'm hoping she'll be better by Saturday's party!!!

Happy Birthday Lil M... is 3!!!!

Holy cow, my little baby is now 3!!! :)

I did get her a new Dora ball and gave that to her on her birthday-eve. :) This morning I gave her a book (Kai Lan), princess hair stuff, and a Tigger movie. And, of course, I've already sang happy birthday to her at least 3 times! :D yep...that's my prerogative. lol

Yesterday she "got a hold of some meat" and got sick... she seems OK, but doesn't seem to still quite be feeling like herself yet. So, I might go get her in a little while... and postpone tonight's dinner for some good old fashioned Mama Mia time.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Then and Now

Then.... just a wee bitty baby!!

Now, Mommy's big girl!!! :)


You are So Beautiful

Lil M turns 3 tomorrow... and, so Scott put together a little video of pictures with that song in the background... you are so beautiful... and, man, how appropriate! :) made me cry!! lol

It is so amazing to see pictures of her from the day we met to just this past weekend. It makes me so nostalgic and sad to see her going from babyhood to toddler-hood... and, yet, at the same time it is very exciting!!!

She still has the most amazing personality and I can't imagine her not being here with me! Really, you should all be jealous. ;-) She is a happy child, by nature, and has learned so much in this last year. I guess you don't quite realize when you're going through it, but she has grown SO much!!! :)

I do wonder what her first family thinks of when they remember her. I wonder how close her actual birth date is to the one I was given. I wonder if they mourn the loss every year or probably every single day. Or maybe they were able to put it in the background so they could get through the days. I want to send up a prayer for them. For their lives. For their situation, whatever it may be. And along with that prayer, a thank you. Because without them, I wouldn't be a Mama. I probably don't think about that part of our situation as much as I could... but I am so very grateful for the chance I've been given to raise this little amazing daughter of mine.

I could cry (again)!! But I'm sitting at my desk, and should try to maintain some kind of composure! lol

You know, it's interesting... Scott made me that little video and I am not sure if I want to share it with anyone else yet. There isn't anything that others haven't seen, but it was just so sweet... I might just have to keep it to myself for awhile. :D

Lil M's birthday is tomorrow!!! And I think we'll go have a small dinner party for that. Then, Saturday, we're gonna have a real birthday party at our house. I've invited her friends and our family to join us, and I can't wait!!! It isn't going to be anything fancy... but I hope the little ones have fun coloring and playing. And then, singing and having cake! mmmm Cake!!


Mama Mia

Sunday, August 23, 2009

another 5K

Lil M, Scott and I went to a 5K run this morning. I ran by myself, and he took Lil M. When we got done, I ran with Lil M for her first-ever kids race. :) She got her first medal! We got medals, too, for our age groups. It was a fun morning.

Then, she had swim lessons. Her "best friend", MK2, came with her to swim lessons. They crack me up. Lil M did OK, but for some reason she wasn't into the swimming today. I think she was tired, 'cause she had a melt-down. And I mean that. She doesn't usually cry... and not just keep going, but this lasted probably 20-30 minutes! After that, she was fine. Her friend MK2 was great and had fun swimming, too. Then we went to get some Mexican food. Yum. It was a great time.

I can't believe she's going to be 3 on Thursday!!! Really, it's just crazy how fast time has gone.


Sunday, August 16, 2009


So, Lil M and I went to do a 5K run this morning. The first two miles went pretty well. I'm about a minute slower per mile with the stroller, but I was OK with that... then the 3rd mile there was a big uphill that I just had a rough time with. It is hard pushing 40-50lbs up a hill, even if it is on wheels!!

Anyway, we had a great time. :) I'm so glad I got out and hope doing these runs with the stroller helps me more than hurts me for my fall plans. I'm planning a 1/2 marathon next month, about 5 weeks and then a full later in the fall. Let's see how all that goes.

Loved the endorphins at the end of the run. :D Not too happy with the headache right now, but otherwise, all is well.


Friday, August 14, 2009


So, I've registered for a 5K race this weekend. It's local, and looks to be fairly large for this distance... but it's a first time race for these folks and they're making me a bit cranky.

But I'm going to try to get more excited about it again. It is my first attempt at taking Lil M by myself to a race... and running with a jogging stroller. I'm dog slow to begin with, so this is just going to make it exponentially worse... but I don't really care about that. I just want to get out there.

I'm going to do a half marathon next month, and a full in October. I've already looked at a few other races, mostly in the vain of half marathons until I get back to full-capability. I need to "race" to stay motivated. I need a goal... so, this is just my way of doing that, I guess.

It felt good to register for a race.


Monday, August 10, 2009

Little vacation

So, this week, we're on a little home vacation... I'm off for a couple of days and keeping Lil M and Chase with me. Then, Sis will do the last 3 days of the week. :) We're not doing anything this week, except just staying in, and maybe going to the park.

I've been fairly stressed, though, for my mini-vacation because Sis was threatened by her ex's psycho girlfriend last week. So, I've worrying... of course. But I think it will be OK. Especially, since this chick used a telephone and Sis had witnesses to the event. She is got a police report and asked to file charges. So, let's see what her local DA does.


I'm trying to relax!! :) Now, sleep... that's still not happening like it should. But, I'm on vacation, so I can sleep in a little!

Getting excited about Lil M's 3rd birthday party in 3.5 weeks!! I've invited a ton of family and friends... 'cause, well, she'll be THREE. :D I couldn't resist. She is my one and only, you know. I think people think I'm nuts, but I just really want her to know how much everyone loves her and it is her day. (It's really only going to be about CAKE! lol. I mean, who doesn't love cake, right?!)

She doesn't need much to make her happy... and I know when she gets up that day and there are monkeys (safari theme) everywhere, that'll make her happy enough! Just like Elmo (melmo) did last year. I don't think the turn-out will be quite as big as the past 2 years, but that's ok. (really, i do think people think i'm nuts. but when do you get to invite people over for a party besides birthdays and holidays???)

So there. ;-)


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

amusement park fun

We went to the local amusement park on Sunday. Here are a couple pics. I haven't got one of Sis to put up yet, but here's Chase, Lil M and Scott and I.

Chase is so good with Mia. He took her on a few rides just for her! :) He tried to get her to under the sprinklers, but she didn't want any part of that.


Monday, August 3, 2009

Lil Dribblers

Lil M had her very first day camp today called Lil' Dribblers basketball camp. She seemed to enjoy it! Kept wanting to get one of the basketballs even when it wasn't her turn. lol Her friend MK2 went, too, and they got to play together! (pics are a bit blurry, ugh)

So, here are some of the best pics of the day. :D They didn't seem thrilled in couple of pics, but trust me, they had a blast!

I can't believe she turns three this month!! :)
