Then we opened presents (thank you everyone SO much for all the fun, great things!! wow!)... and they played some more.
Then we had cake! :) And all was well!! ...yum. The cake turned out perfect. Thank you, Scott for picking it up for us, and for being there. I know we didn't get a pic of Scott, but he was there (hiding in the background, lol) and he and Lil M are going to have BIG fun playing with the new tent he got her!!!
Cute pic of the girls!! Do you know how hard it is to get 4 kids of their age to stand still for 2 seconds?!! (they range in age from 2.5 to 4 years old)
And off they go again!!! :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog...Your daughter is beautiful and we LOVE Ethiopia...We LOVED our agency AGCI and had a great experience...Let me know if I can ever answer any questions about the Ethiopia program for you..We love our Lucy Lane and love seeing other children come home to their forever families :) kristi