I have more ladybug fabric to get cut out this week, some that is green with red ladybugs and yellow with ladybugs... and then more pink. I also have frogs and horses and dogs to cut out. Seems like some of my sister's friends like more of this whimsical style than the more traditional flowered type, as those are the types of fabric people have requested. My step-mom really liked the Butter Yellow Asian print one I made and she also bought one for my step-sister that is a green repro-print. Woohoo!! (My sister has these listed on eBay, too, as I made more than one of each.)
I am also making a couple of baby-bags this week! I had one request for one (Pooh) and I would like to make one for myself (and anyone else who wants one).
My sister and I are going to set up a table at the flea market in the next few weeks to see if I can get any interest. Gotta get some 4th of July (stars and stripes) ones done soon, too!!
Sew, Sew, Sew...
In other news, I am going to look at carpet and re-paint my family room this week. Am I busy, or what? I'm trying to keep myself busy, or else I think way too much!! LOL. Ok, I think too much regardless.
Anxious to see what rumors pan out or don't this month as far as referrals, too.
So, here are a few I've made (and are available). These don't have embellishments, but I have started putting buttons and things on them to liven them up a little. And can put them on if you want!! I'll post ladybug ones when I get the pics! :)
This one has been one of the most popular fabrics I've chosen. I've made two for my sister, one for her friend, one for a friend of ours, and have one left to sell:
My sister loves this print... and it is appropriate for those who love hunting dogs and hunting in general:
I love this fabric! Apparently, so does my step-mom, 'cause she wanted this one for herself!
This is a pretty simple green purse... my step-mom bought one for my step-sister.
This would be such a great little purse to take to the pool or beach... If it doesn't sell, I'm going to keep it for myself!
This is a quilted purse. I am going to add two great blue buttons to the tab, but I haven't done that, yet.
WOW you do an awsome job! So are you making a 100 good Wishes quilt too? You are a wiz at the purses, I just figured you must also be making a quilt, Your soo on top of things you probably already did.
Good luck painting! I just finished the trim around the doors. no paint in my hair this time!
Thank you so much for the compliment!! Yes, I am planning to do a 100 wishes quilt. I have been quilting for years, which led to the purse making, not the reverse! :)