So, I've written about the wait for referral from China before. When I started the adoption process, it was taking 6-8 months from when your Dossier was Logged into China (LID - login date) to when you got a referral. As of right now it is taking 11-14 months. For June of '05 LIDs, there were some referrals up to 6/15/05 this May (an 11 month referral time). My agency is saying that this month they think there might be referrals up to June 23 of last year. That would be a 12 month wait. And so it goes...
Just for reference, I've been waiting 7 months, so far. My LID is 10/31/05.
I'm still not sure what all this means for me. Or if the referrals will speed up any time soon. My fingerprints expire on August 11, which means I will need to go to get my fingerprints done again. The I-171H expires next February... and, so if I don't get travel arrangements before then, I'll have to have that re-done, too. I need to figure out what this means for my homestudy, because somehow I'm remembering it might expire, too. Oh my. Potentially, lots of re-work.
I'm ok with most of this, though, because I can still use the extra time (I still have quite a bit of funds to come up with, let alone getting the house ready). I know the wait is frustrating; I totally understand. Some days it just seems like it might never happen. But they assure me it will. Let's see what happens. This is in God's hands, as far as I'm concerned.
Work is frustrating, too... but that is a topic for another day!
3 hours ago
Just stumbled across your blog and this post immediately caught my eye. If it makes you feel any better, when my husband and I were DTC, the wait was approximately 14 months till referral, then 2 more months until travel. Amazingly, we got our referral 10 months later. China does fluctuate like that... hang in there.
Thanks, Kendra! I know it can fluctuate... I'm trying to be somewhat patient. lol. :)
ReplyDeleteHi! Thanks for visiting now I am hooked on your story! Ironically, I just emailed my friend in NY who adopted two kids (from different states). She and her husband have the open adoption.
ReplyDeleteHey, if you want a shortcut, you want my kid? LOL He's half Chinese!
Mrs. Mogul... how sweet are you?! :) I loved your blog, too!! Keep in touch! :) How old is your son... he'd probably love hanging out with my nephew! haha
Hi Melissa ~ Thanks for the note on my blog. I will gladly send you our site and password if you email me at
ReplyDeleteI couldn't find your email address.
Welcome, Leigh Ann. :) I'll email you...
We started when the wait was 6 months, so it's hard to believe that I'm actually hoping like mad for 12 months at this point. Yeesh.