...the referrals are indeed to the 22nd, so far. Congratulations to all the new parents out there! I wonder what this means for my referral in the next few months. There are also rumors of singles not being able to adopt from China anymore. Good heavens, I hope that isn't true! Everyone, so far, says that those of use who are logged in will be OK, but you never know. I'm trying not to worry about that, but it is in the back of my mind.
My friend came over this week and hooked up my stereo, so now it goes through the VCR and the DVD player!!!! WOOOHOOOO! I have the best friends. :)
Sis and I sent garage saling this weekend, again, and had a great day. My nephew is adorable and wants me to fix his stuffed puppy, 'cause he is ripped. He starts FIRST grade this week!!! OMG. It is a very cool and scary time! haha.
I went to a Bible study on Friday night for the first time in years. It was wonderful. Great bunch of people. The amazing thing is that while I live fairly close to the city, my actual area is kind of 'country' and I wasn't sure how many people adopt on this side of the river. Since I didn't know anyone there, and we were giving a little background on ourselves, one of the couples said they are adopting from CHINA!!! OMG. I was just thrilled. Their LID is April '06, so we won't likely travel together, but I'm just so blessed to meet the people I get to meet in this process and I hope that we can continue to get to know each other.
2 hours ago
isn't it fun when you randomly meet people who say one thing then you are instant friends!