Oh, Auntie Nore came to help finish putting the swing together. Dad started, but gave up. HAHA. Lenore and I went to Baby's R Us and we got a cool ball that Little M seemed to like and this great outfit!!! So, we had to take even more pics! I'm even thinking of going to have her pic done in this cut little outfit. "I love my Mommy" :)
She got to see Grandma/Grandpa today. She also saw Aiyee Mimi and Chase this weekend. Lots of happenings!!! :) Oh, and I found a 'new to me' high chair yesterday!! WOOHOO. I hope she likes it. She hasn't officially tried it with Mama yet.
Off to rest. Work is gonna come too soon tomorrow.
PS. Auntie Nore fixed Little M's car seat!!!!! She had a heart attack when she saw that I had her double buckled in and not using the tether belt correctly (for the record, they were hidden under the seat, and I didn't even know they were there...and definitely had an AHA moment when shown!!). So, Little M should be ALL set now!!! Whew. That makes me very happy, too.
PPS. Tom - Little M had to retire the bouncy seat tonight. Apparently, it is NOT ok for you to pull yourself up on them.... so, if you're able to do that, I guess you should retire yours, too!!! haha. If not, rock on! :) She'll kick your butt in the swinging contest now, though!!!
Would you look at Mia’s little Baby face - she is all JOY riding her swing!! Even her little tongue is sticking out (presumably at me!) as if to say, “Look what I got NA-NA-NA-NA-NA!” LOL! And she looks adorable in her little outfit:)
ReplyDeleteI’m so glad you guys got to spend sometime with the grandparents, sis and nephew. They want to see Mia too, and Mia, in turn, can get to spend time with them.
I tried a similar swing-set at a local Toy’s R Us here in Vegas after the burning-bouncy-chair incident. It was cushiony, relaxing, soft on the bottom, and stopped my crying over that Sesame Street Baby Purse I was told I could not have:( I was having a swingin’ time till the moment arrived to get out, and, I must say, these swings are not built for older kids like myself. What followed was THE most humiliating rescue on record. The manager and employees were very nice. And if you can look beyond the funny stares, it was - as a whole- a pleasant experience.
I’ve decided to chicken out of any challenges involving Little Mia. I think the outcome of those would be no different than what you see with the Wild E.Coyote (me) and Road Runner (Mia).