I'm trying to get Little M to take a nap right now. That is proving more difficult than usual. She had a tough time sleeping last night, too. She seems restless. She is so tired (rubbing eyes, sucking thumb are usually the indicators)... but just won't relax. I can understand why. It was a different week for us. Very different schedule. Different room for her.
There isn't anything on TV. I should be cleaning... oh, or working, but I just told them I didn't have a sitter and could someone else please cover. Let's see how much trouble I'm in on Monday. ha. But I just felt like Sugar Plum needed some extra Mama time. So, here we are. And, I should be cleaning ('cause I digressed there a bit!). I've got people coming over next Sunday. (although, so far, only Sis and Dad/Step-Mom from the fam are coming. I'm a bit disappointed by that... that none of my other relatives have even responded to the invite, except one...and that was to say she wouldn't be here unless she had a ride. boo)
So, I'm just sitting here, thinking I should take my weekly set of pics when SP gets up (of her, of course). Did I mention she's clapping on her own now, and can do even more funny noises? She likes playing pattacake. I've been reading that book, what to expect the first year, and she seems to be mostly on target or ahead in a couple of things... completely arbitrary in my mind, though. One of the items for a 12 month old is playing pattacake and pulling up and maybe even standing on her own for a second or two. She can do all that, except the standing on her own. But she is dang close. She's been doing those for a couple of weeks now, though, so I guess that's a little brag. Ok, it is more like me just thanking God that developmentally she is getting back on target from where she was when we met (although, I didn't think she was too far behind to begin with, just a little).
3 hours ago
Rough week, but it's finally over. I know it was tough on you both, especially you, who had to work and simultaneously worry about Buttercup's well being. It’s a shame employers - for the most part - aren’t too modifiable when allowing single parents to work from home. Although the labor involved (raising a baby) is completely out of love, it’s nonetheless a tough and demanding task. In the end, by allowing you to work from home not only would it raise productivity, but it can also be a huge morale elevator. They live in the dark ages.
ReplyDeleteNow, you wrote that Buttercup was playing pattacakes, correct? While “pattacakes” is completely acceptable, I think the preferred spelling of this playful pastime is patty cakes. I know because I still play it...ALL the time! My friends usually need a six-pack to get them going, but once we start the whole afternoon blows by sooooo quickly! But it’s a shame they have to be out of it to play. It ruins the experience when you have slurred speech, don’t you think? I was thinking of leaving my car and taking aimless rides on public busses to see if I could get a fellow passenger to play with me. Do you think I’d get thrown out? I think it would ruin the monotony of the ride and maybe make their day a little brighter. I dream of the day in which one of those busses has to pull to the side because everyone in it, including the driver, got a case of uncontrollable patty cakes.
Were you able to find the song “I Go Poopie in My Diapies”? The version I have was recorded recently by Keith Richards.
If you must clean wear Mia then she will be close to you and maybe sleep a bit. I would wear Glenys around in the first few months we were together until she really just wanted to walk a bit. You are doing right by her to stay with her. It is a difficult adjustment for both of you. It is also hard to be patient with yourself but you need grace and patience too.