Wakey Wakey, it's Christmas MORN!!!!! (sleepy Mama and Lil M!!)

Happy Mommy Mimi, who got a pretty bracelet from her Chasey-man

Lil M wanted to play with Aiyee Mimi's pot.... clankety, clank!!!!

Chase got a very cool camera/video cam!!!

Aiyee Mimi and Lil M, trying to pose for Mama!

That's better! :) Oops, Lil M still isn't looking at the camera!!

Gramma and Grampa got Lil M an Amazing Doll!!!! See the resemblance? She was touching her *nose*... that doll must have looked pretty real!! lol

Yes, I subject my poor child to torture, such as this!!!!! hahaha She was too cute!

We're playing chess in the background, and Lil M is laughing at someone about the Silly Reindeer ears MAMA put on her!!!! :) (ok, maybe not, but she's laughing at something!)

Mama Mia is tired again... I could have slept this way all night. Lil M had a BIG, HUGE, ENORMOUS day...and she was having a little trouble settling in for the night. But she gave me loveys and kisses before she went to sleep. Ahhhh, Mommyhood. I wish she (would/could always be so happy and easy-going!!!

Our first Christmas was just amazing. Her first thing that she learned was how to pull the name tags off the presents... She seemed to enjoy most everything about the day. She didn't open presents, so much, but she did like to play with everything! Paper, boxes, the toys... it didn't matter! :)
I hope you had a very Merry Christmas.
Just beautiful. You all look SO happy. It must be wonderful to see Christmas through the eyes of a child.