Even though most of us probably don't realize it, *not* talking about race can hurt our childrens' self-esteem.
3 hours ago
A Mama's love born in China... she and I became a family there. We are family because of love. I'm a proud Adoptive Mom to one of the world's sweetest souls.
I think you should most definitely have a discussion with Mia about race. The only thing I would advice against doing, is using the politically correct terminology that many people use in everyday discourse. Let Mia know that she is Asian and that she was born in China and that there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG with any of that. I believe you once wrote that you would let Mia know of her adoption, if I’m not mistaken. If that is the case, emphasize that genes alone don’t constitute a loving parent/ child relationship. It takes a lot more than blood work to forge a bond like that one. Let her know that there are bigots in this world who would make an issue of race and adoption, but that she is to pay NO attention to their misanthropy as they live in the age of the dinosaurs and, like the dinos, will someday be extinct. Hide nothing and the love you share with her will make many things understandable.