A Mama's love born in China... she and I became a family there. We are family because of love. I'm a proud Adoptive Mom to one of the world's sweetest souls.
Here is "Meow"... I had to get a couple of pics of Lil M's FAVORITE toy... she sleeps with Meow every night, and, yes, that's what she calls him (well, or her). Lil M likes to have the dogs go "nigh nigh"... here's tonight's display of Skippy in a blanket. :D Peace.
That's so cute! Do you study Mandarin? In Cantonese, the name for cat is "mao"...just like the sound he makes! Ducks are "ngaap"...and kids call dogs "woh woh" - all named after the animal's sounds!
Ultimately I want generations after me to know this about the culture of blood and the culture of adoption: That blood is thicker than water, but love can be thicker than blood.
That's so cute! Do you study Mandarin? In Cantonese, the name for cat is "mao"...just like the sound he makes! Ducks are "ngaap"...and kids call dogs "woh woh" - all named after the animal's sounds!