Well, it hasn't been a terribly eventful week... I did get a new computer last weekend and have been getting that set up. I did get my office cleaned up a bit this week, too, so that I could find some software that I needed/wanted to load. I kind of got the cleaning fever and I'm hoping that lasts... my office was SO in need of a good cleaning.
Oh, and since I bought a new home 'puter (as sis and nephew calls it), my nephew inherited my old one. We've been setting that up tonight. He is SO excited! Ahh, to be 5 again. lol.
So, I am having a problem with one of my cats going potty where he isn't supposed to go again. :( Makes me very, very, very unhappy. I never in a million years thought I'd give one of my pets up, but I'm not sure what else I can do at this point... I've been the the vet. My kittie has been on kitty-downers for years. I've done all the requisite litter box things... I'm beside myself upset. Oh well. I can't have kitty messes all over the house when the baby comes! Sigh.
One more thing... when I was at church tonight a lady I know (and taught to quilt), said that when the baby comes I can have a bunch of their girl stuff!!! WOOOHOOO! :D I am so excited! I hope they remember that 8-10 months from now. lol.
1026th Friday Blog Roundup
1 day ago
Hand-me-downs are a beautiful thing!