So, this week I've really been in the cleaning mood. Winter cleaning... just feel like everything needs to be cleaned (my sister said i might feel the need to "nest" before the baby cmes, but I don't think this is it! lol). I'm not near done with my winter cleaning yet, but I've definitely started. Ugh. Why do things have to get so dusty! lol.
I have put the cats in their own rooms for a few days... I need to see who the real culprit(s) is(are). They aren't liking it, but it is letting me get some things done...
I have not touched the baby's room this week, except to put things in it! I need to get to it, too! Yikes. lol. It is going to be even more work! :)
Last I heard the referral wait is now 10 months... we'll see. Wonder if there is a batch this week or next before Chinese New Year!
1026th Friday Blog Roundup
1 day ago
Eeww..I can't get in the cleaning mood. I have so much stuff I need to go through, organize. Can't get in the mood. Maybe I'll do spring cleaning!