Well, I guess it'll hit us all sooner or later! :) My friend at justforjillian blogspot tagged me to answer the following:
What were you doing ten years ago: I was in Fairborn, Ohio, working on my degree, working two jobs and living with roommates. I was dating someone I thought I'd marry, but didn't.
What were you doing one year ago: Working as a consultant for a company near my family. I had just started this adoption journey at the beginning of January last year!
Five snacks I enjoy:
1. chocolate
2. chocolate
3. chocolate
4. chocolate
5. did i mention chocolate? Seriously, I like chips/salsa, cheese bagel bites, boneless spicy hot chicken wings, and of course, chocolate! :)
Five things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. go back to school to learn basket weaving. lol or to learn something frivolous
2. work at a mission either here in the states or in a different country and pay off my church's building debt (from buying and fixing up our building), or just give to the church in some meaningful way.
3. send my kid(s) to college and my sister and my nephew
4. buy a really cool car and house next to my sister and, since we're twins, we'd probably have to get her one, too! :)
5. just for fun, make a CD of me singing and make lots of copies to bug all my friends with! ha.
Five bad habits:
1. shopping?
2. having chocolate every day?
3. watching more than one show on tv at once?
4. sleeping too late on the weekends?
5. losing my temper over silly things. ok this is a bad one. and procrastination.
Fiive things I like doing:
1. shopping
2. having chocolate every day
3. watching more than one tv show at once
4. sleeping in on the weekends
5. ok, so i don't like losing my temper.... but i do like singing, reading, quilting and running, getting massages, and manicures/pedicures. not necessarily in that order.
Five things I would never wear, buy, or get new again:
1. bell bottoms
2. Coby DVD player. we've gotten 3 of them between my sister and I, and they are all junk.
3. a perm
4. eyebrow waxing
5. i wouldn't have more than one pet at a time. i have 4 cats, and though i love them dearly, they make a mess...
Five favorite toys/games:
1. my iPod shuffle and video iPod
2. my Garmin Forerunner 201 (running gadget with GPS) and my ironman pink running watch
3. my new computer
4. my new portable dvd player.....
5. my sewing machine and all my quilting stuff
So, here's the deal; remove the blog in the TOP SPOT from the following list and then add YOUR BLOG to the bottom spot.
Then select FIVE PEOPLE to TAG!
http://kkfast.blogspot.com/ (Eva Las Vegas)
1026th Friday Blog Roundup
1 day ago
Thanks for playing! :-)
ReplyDeleteSo good to hear from you... it sounds as though you are really getting into the "momma zone"!.
I was tagged also.