This happens to be made in a green/tan Civil War Reproduction fabric I picked up a while back. I really liked how this sewed up. I might make some bigger bags out of this fabric, too. This purse has 4 pockets and velcro closure. (It is also listed on eBay in the HobbyHungry store. :) in case you are interested.)
I'm really happy with myself for getting some things made this week. All in all, I've finished 4 purses, so far. My sister bought one for her friend, which was awesome. I got so much great fabric this past weekend, I'm just dying to make more stuff. I will probably make myself a baby bag (I've already got one, thanks again to my sis, which is just too cute), and I need to get started on a baby blanket. I wonder if my daughter will like this type of stuff like I do? Wouldn't that be cool!
I also added a 'Make a Donation' button to my blog. I still need to come up with a lot of money between now and the time I travel to China. If you are so inclined, please feel free to make a donation to this effort. Anything, and I mean anything, is appreciated!!! :)
Very cute bags, Melissa! I am always impressed by those who can sew...