I have never bought so much fabric at one time! WOW. It was big fun and I got a HUGE discount on almost all of the fabric I bought today. Let's just say... my sister and I had not one, but 2 carts full of fabric by the time we finished!!! Purses, pillow cases, curtains, a couch cover, baby blanket(s)...you name it, and I have enough fabric to make it! Amazing. :D
I bought some amazing Asian print fabric. I will make at least one bag out of it. It is a heavier weight fabric, and wouldn't be good for quilts, but good for purses and bags and the like. :) I also bought some adorable pink fabric with yellow moons and stars to make one baby blanket. It won't be her 'keep sake' blanket, but it will be a fun woo she can carry around, hopefully.
I also got some fantastic fabric with flip-flops on it. Too Fun!! I will likely put it with some other whimsical fabric I have to make something out of. I love lap blankets.
My sister and I picked out some great fabric to hopefully cover her couch with. We found a coordinating fabric to make some panel curtains. We also found some neat fabric that will make great tableclothes and hand towels. ;)
Guess I better get washing, pressing and sewing soon!! Pictures to come, hopefully.
Oh, and one more thing (ha!), we got some flannel fabric to make some comfy pants with. Although, I think that might require learning how to put elastic in. Not sure. And I got some other great Pink Asian print that will make great change-purses and maybe even some fancy little purses.
I'm way excited! (not that you can tell, I'm sure! lol)
16 hours ago
Sounds great!!! I am glad that I did not get behind you in the cutting line at the fabric store. I love getting new fabric for projects, now have a little one to make quilts for I can hardly stop sewing.