Ok, so, if you have any issues with gay people, stop reading now. I want no flames or mean responses. This is my opinion and my opinion alone.
My rant has to do with GLBT rights and how ridiculous I think people can be.
First of all, let me say that I know many GLBT folks who are upstanding citizens and who have wonderful familes. I do not think that they should be discriminated against because of their sexual orientation. I think they have as much right to build a family as I do... or married heterosexual couples do.
From an adoption standpoint, where I am adopting from (China) does not allow GLBT folks adopt. It is their choice as a country to make that decision. With that decision, comes scrutiny of us Single Straight folks who want to adopt. Ok. I accept that. I even had to sign an afidavit saying I wasn't gay. Not a problem. I'm not gay.
As of last year, several states added a law that GLBT folks could not marry a person from the same sex. That marriage is between a man and a woman. OK. Well, I voted against that law, but it passed anyway (well, in my state, anyhow). NOW (according a newspaper I read last week), these same people (idiots) want to keep GLBT folks from adopting here in the United States!!!!! OH MY GOD. That is just ludicrous. You take away their rights to get married. Then you tell them they can't have a child either???
What next? Is the government going to make sure when a woman bears a child that she has a HUSBAND??? Is this going to infringe on our single rights eventually, too? Uh, yeah, Miss X you cannot have this baby because you aren't married and that is against the law! I don't think so! Is there only one acceptable way to live here in the US - as a married couple? Have we regressed to the dark ages? I mean, seriously. This isn't biblical, either (and I am quite familiar with the Bible), which was their argument banning gay marriage. Why should the government have a say in such personal matters?
There are so many people out there who want children. There are so many children out there who need families. It just makes me fuming mad!
So, this is my opinion. If we choose to adopt from other countries and they say that GLBT folks aren't allowed, so be it. I respect their wishes and I would hope that others would, too. But, in our own country- THE LAND OF THE FREE - we ought not discriminate!!
If you feel differently, more power to you. But this is how I feel, and I just can't stand my friends being discriminated against.
10 hours ago
I agree with you. Remember a few years ago there was some overzealous "welfare reform" in which they stated something like the kids would only get help if the parents were married?
ReplyDeleteSheesh. I think that got scuttled quickly when they realized what the alternatives to forcing people to get married just to have a baby.
Like the new look.